Zakat on investment which is not being repaid cont.2

Zakat on investment which is not being repaid cont.2


1)What was the nature of the investment?

2lak was given to the business so that the stock(fabric) can be bought and sold. Then quarterly, profit is calculated and according to the percentage of my investment at the time, portion of profit is given.

2) If available, forward us the investment contract you agreed upon.

Only verbal agreement which I answered above no 1.

3) Do you have any expectations of receiving that money in the future or do you believe it is highly unlikely you will ever receive this money? If so, when did you come to this conclusion and why?

Not much hope left to receive. Previously, he used to say he would give but he never did. Then in Sep 2018, when I sent a person to talk to him directly, he said he would pay me partially but he was unable to do so again. Also little later, I was told the man’s father was admitted to the hospital which he needed to pay the bill and he himself was involved in debt now.  So I assume that is very unlikely he would pay me back.

(Sorry about my English. My mother tongue isn’t urdu either. I don’t know any hanafi scholar who speaks Korean)



In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

In principle, if one is owed money and he has no hope of the money being paid back, the amount owed will be considered non-existent. Thus, that amount will not be Zakatable.[i]However, if onedoes receive payment of the money owed to him in the future, he does not have to give zakat for the previous years and will only include it in the upcoming zakat.[ii]

Accordingly, if you have no hope of being paid back, then zakat will not be necessary on the two lakhs owed to you for the past five years.

You state that you have been keeping account of your assets and zakat for the last five years whilst including the two lakhs owed to you in the amount. You also state that when including the two lakhs owed to you, then you reach the minimum threshold (nisaab) of zakat, otherwise you don’t reach the nisaab of zakat.

If this is the case and in any of the last five years, your assets didn’t reach nisaab after subtracting the amount that was owed to you, then you will not be liable to pay zakat for that year.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Hammad Ibn Ismail Jogiat

Student - Darul Iftaa

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Checked and Approved by,

Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) – ابنعابدين،محمدأمينبنعمربنعبدالعزيزعابدينالدمشقيالحنفي (المتوفى: 1252هـ) – دارالفكر-بيروت (344/2)[i]

ومال الرحمتي إلى هذا وقال بل في زماننا يقر المديون بالدين وبملاءته ولا يقدر الدائن على تخليصه منه فهو بمنزلة العدم.

بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع – علاءالدين،أبوبكربنمسعودبنأحمدالكاسانيالحنفي (المتوفى: 587هـ) – دارالكتبالعلمية (10/2)[ii]

وأما الدين الوسط فما وجب له بدلا عن مال ليس للتجارة كثمن عبد الخدمة، وثمن ثياب البذلة والمهنة وفيه روايتان عنه، ذكر في الأصل أنه تجب فيه الزكاة قبل القبض لكن لا يخاطب بالأداء ما لم يقبض مائتي درهم فإذا قبض مائتي درهم زكى لما مضى، وروى ابن سماعة عن أبي يوسف عن أبي حنيفة أنه لا زكاة فيه حتى يقبض المائتين ويحول عليه الحول من وقت القبض وهو أصح الروايتين عنه

الفتاوى الهندية– مكتبة رشيدية (175/1)

وأما سائر الديون المقر بها فهي على ثلاث مراتب عند أبي حنيفة – رحمه الله تعالى – ضعيف ، وهو كل دين ملكه بغير فعله لا بدلا عن شيء نحو الميراث أو بفعله لا بدلا عن شيء كالوصية أو بفعله بدلا عما ليس بمال كالمهر وبدل الخلع والصلح عن دم العمد والدية وبدل الكتابة لا زكاة فيه عنده حتى يقبض نصابا ويحول عليه الحول

فتاوىقاضيخان – مكتبةرشيدية (252/1)


احسن الفتاوى (ج:4 ص:271)

فتاوى قاسمية (ج:10 ص:371)

فتاوى عثمانية (ج:3 ص:414)

فتاوى عثمانى (ج:2 ص:76)